Will You Join Us for Action in 2021?


Investing in Peaceable, More Livable Lives

We refuse this present economy’s devaluation of the loving attention and care in our homes and communities. We seek expansion of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is a national income statement, not the balance sheet Americans need. New measures such as Gross National Happiness (GNH) and Social Wealth Economic Indicators (SWEIs) reveal the foundational efficiency of environmental, community, and human care, preventing wasteful illness, violent crime, addiction, and environmental ruin (all of which now increase the GDP). We expect pay equity and livable wages, with a $15 minimum wage raising the floor. Now that basic needs can be efficiently met with technological advances, we aspire to a 30-Hour workweek standard with 40-hour pay, universal vacations and earned sick leave, along with corporate structures to better represent a diverse workforce, not just wealthy stockholders and CEOs.


By publicly funding elections, and legally redefining holistic corporate bodies—as a collective, not a person, with capital a human tool—not our master. A simple tax-receipt-based Caring Commons Currency and/or a universal national dividend or basic income or basic asset program can serve as an annual financial return on our now unpaid but essential caring time-investments in home, church, and community.


Investing in Healthy Energy, Including Our Own

We endorse a Green New Deal—replacing fossil fuel with renewable energy, and fossil fuel jobs with those safeguarding Mother Earth, her living soil and water health, and all her children. The economy’s real renewable fuel, our embodied passions, our brains and wombs, must never be owned as state property. Because every human being begins and ends life in need of developmental nurture and help, Health Care and Child Care for ALL is our economy’s real bottom line.


A wealth tax, and an inheritance tax to prevent aristocracies, coupled with a new system of state and municipal banks capitalized with public funds, and re-established federal postal banks. Banks owned and governed by women and men working for we the people can safely invest for the long-term to restore damaged communities, providing a local, cooperative counterbalance to Wall Street’s six private megabanks owned by the 1%. These banks’ bloated billionaire monopolies now dominate the Federal Reserve, but wider citizen governance of the Fed could forgive debts deemed unpayable, and redirect QE to the real economy where you live.


Investing in Our Universal Basic Needs

An economy waged as war grows US debt. It profits from guns and our hazardous inequality, promoting banksters who profit from corruption and fear. An economy waged as life would prioritize affordable and accessible financing for housing; education; safe and sustainable local farming; food, water, and waste systems; and small business capital, especially for women, co-operative entrepreneurs, and communities of color now profiled, redlined, and shortchanged.


A small financial transaction tax on global market trading first proposed in the 70s to discourage risky market volatility, would provide new funds to invest in partnership with local banks, municipalities and NGOs. Efficient land value taxes, different from a property tax, would more fairly share municipal and housing costs. A moral, participatory national people’s budget that wages life, not war, would demilitarize, ban nuclear weapons, and grant financial incentives for transformation of corporate weapons-making capacity to ecological, sustainable livelihoods.
